Photo Journalism | Winner & Honorable Mentions | 7th Annual MPA
Election Fury, Nairobi by Neha Wadekar
A Woman by Pier Luigi Dodi
Light between the Lines by Dina Alfasi
Mauthausen Concentration Camp by Mihai Popescu
Do Not be Accomplices of this Crap by Federico Borobio
#Sad by Cindy Patrick
Nomads by Samuel Nacar
Poor Man Talking with Policeman by Anna Kaunis
Blue by Dina Alfasi
French Firemen at Calais Refugee Camp by Daphne Tolis
Syrian Refugee Daphne Tolis
Sitting by the Entrance of an Abandoned Building by Daphne Tolis
Birthday candle, Part II by David Turnbull
Tobacco_Hands by Rad Drew
Parade Watchers by Patrick Ryan
Camaguey Station Platform by Gary Horsfall