A Short Film about Mobile Photography with Brendan Ó Sé


We were thrilled when friend of the MPA, Brendan Ó Sé, alerted us to a short film about his mobile photography produced by Ireland’s RTE. This most excellent video is embedded below for your viewing pleasure.

“…Out of the blue a few weeks back I got a tweet from an RTE (Ireland’s national broadcaster) filmmaker, Glen Mulcahy asking me if he could direct message me.

He had been looking through the Mobile Photography Awards website and came across this image of mine which won an honourable mention in the annual awards. Seeing my surname, he guessed I must be Irish.

He googled my name, found my Twitter account and got on to me. He wondered would I be up for making a short film about my mobile photography. I was really surprised, but I could not let such an opportunity pass me by…” Watch below and read more here.